ZEN Energy signs MOU with Magnetite Mines Ltd (ASX:MGT) for Green Iron in South Australia.


18 July 2024.



  • Magnetite Mines has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding with ZEN Energy, an Australian renewable energy company.
  • Both companies have shared interests in the development of a Green Iron industry in South Australia, for which the two enabling inputs are premium-grade magnetite concentrates and abundant renewable energy.
  • The MOU forms the basis on which Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy will work together to negotiate one or more binding transactions with the following possible elements:- energy offtake agreement between Magnetite Mines and one or more of ZEN’s Energy projects, and/or related infrastructure sharing or leasing agreements between assets owned by ZEN Energy and Magnetite Mines; and
    – farm-in, offtake, co-venturing or partnering arrangements between Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy in connection with the Razorback Project;
    – participation in future Green Iron projects.

Magnetite Mines Chief Executive Officer, Tim Dobson said:

“We are very pleased to formalise a working relationship with ZEN Energy via this MOU. ZEN’s South Australian renewable energy projects are located near our Razorback Project. Our companies share a common vision for the development of a Green Iron industry in South Australia, underpinned by Razorback’s magnetite concentrates and ZEN’s renewable energy.

“By positioning itself to export Green Iron to the world, South Australia can embody its renewable energy advantage into an increasingly valuable and desired low-carbon export product and in doing so, secure a major new economic opportunity for generations to come.”

ZEN Energy Chief Executive Officer, Anthony Garnaut said:

“ZEN’s collaboration with Magnetite Mines represents a new load bigger than Olympic Dam to connect to the grid before the end of the decade. ZEN seeks to play a leadership role in bringing together the needed firmed renewable generations to enable this significant development as well as the corresponding value chain in enabling Green Iron production in South Australia, particularly around Port Pirie.

“The collaboration between ZEN and Magnetite Mines in enabling new value chains to realise Green Iron production in South Australia demonstrates that the Superpower vision for Australia can become a reality, and at a market competitive cost.”

Magnetite Mines Limited (ASX:MGT) is pleased to announce the signing of a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ZEN Energy Pty Ltd, an Australian renewable energy company with projects in South Australia located near MGT’s Razorback Iron Ore Project.

The Agreement provides the framework under which the parties will work together to negotiate one or more binding transactions relating to the development and energy provision for the Razorback Project, as well as collaboration on the development of possible future Green Iron production projects in South Australia.

Memorandum of Understanding

The MOU provides the framework for collaboration between the two companies regarding the development of Magnetite Mines’ Razorback Iron Ore Project, having regard to:

1. project development planning and execution;
2. staged funding requirements, options and commitments;
3. project level farm-in and farm-out options and arrangements;
4. project level co-venturing opportunities;
5. opportunities to share knowledge, expertise and human resources;
6. offtake arrangements for energy and/or magnetite concentrates, or infrastructure sharing or leasing arrangements between assets owned by ZEN Energy and Magnetite Mines;
7. opportunities to partner with, solicit support from, or otherwise coordinate activities with, State and Federal governments; and
8. “Green Iron” project development at Port Pire, including consortium-based approaches with others, to potentially include:

a. Pellet plant development for pellet export and/or Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plant supply;
b. DRI/Hot Briquetted Iron (HBI) plant development;
c. Hydrogen plant development (for use in DRI/HBI production); and
d. Rail, port and logistics development.

If the MOU does not lead to a binding transaction between the two parties, it will expire in July 2025.

South Australia’s Green Iron Opportunity

At present, the main “Green Iron” processes being pursued utilise renewable energy and hydrogen to convert iron ore into iron. The processes involve the reduction of very high-grade, low-impurity iron ore (magnetite concentrates) to iron using hydrogen gas, followed by the conversion of iron into steel using an electric arc furnace (EAF). These processes eliminate the need for coal in iron production, offering a sustainable steelmaking solution for the future.

South Australia is in a unique position to benefit from these innovative technologies. The state has access to abundant renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power and the capacity to build even greater renewable energy capacity. Green Iron production for export creates an opportunity for South Australia to diversify the state economy while reducing the carbon footprint of steel production globally.

South Australia has recognised the importance of green hydrogen and green iron, and has developed a plan to establish the state as a leader in this field. Recently, the state government commenced an Expression of Interest process with the objective of having Australia’s first Green Iron production facility in development by 2030. Both Magnetite Mines and ZEN Energy are participating in the EoI process.


Magnetite Mines Ltd is an ASX-listed iron ore company focused on the development of magnetite iron ore resources in the highly prospective Braemar iron region of South Australia. The Company has a 100% owned Mineral Resource of 6 billion tonnes of iron ore and is developing the Razorback Iron Ore Project, located 240km from Adelaide, to meet accelerating market demand for premium iron ore products created by iron & steel sector decarbonisation, with the potential to produce high-value Direct Reduction (DR) grade concentrates. Razorback is set to become a very long-life iron ore project with expansion optionality in a tier 1 jurisdiction that will produce a superior iron ore product sought by steelmakers globally. For more information visit magnetitemines.com.

This announcement has been authorised for release to the market by the Board

For further information contact:
Gemma Brosnan, General Manager – External Affairs
+61 8 8427 0516


Where the Company references previously disclosed exploration results, Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve estimates and ASX announcements made previously, it confirms that the relevant JORC Table 1 disclosures are included with them and that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in those ASX announcements and in the case of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates in the announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed.

ZEN Statement – Global Technical Outage


19 July 2024

ZEN Energy is aware of a global technical outage relating to 3rd party software, which has impacted many participants globally.

At this stage, ZEN Energy & its related systems continue to function as normal.

ZEN Energy will continue to review systems and work with industry whilst the matter is resolved.


Media Contact: Paul Sheridan | 0410 516 656 | paul.sheridan@zenenergy.com.au

$10,000 donation to give 126 Indigenous students vital STEM learning.

15 July 2024.

A funding boost for the national DeadlyScience ‘Deadly Learners’ program from ZEN Energy will deliver science, technology, engineering and maths resources and education to 126 Indigenous students this year, particularly in remote communities where opportunities don’t otherwise exist.

ZEN’s $10,000 donation to the ground-breaking ‘Deadly Learners’ program, delivered by DeadlyScience, will also contribute toward addressing the stark education gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, especially in STEM education and careers.

Among the non-Indigenous population of Australia, 5.2 per cent has a University STEM qualification. The percentage of Indigenous Australians with a STEM qualification is one-tenth that rate, or just 0.5%. In regional and remote Australia, the gap is even greater.

As part of its Reconciliation Action Plan, ZEN is dedicated to meaningful collaborations with First Nations people and organisations through partnerships, sponsorships, and advocacy opportunities that also improve industry participation and leaders.

The donation of $10,000 will fund an additional 7 Deadly Learner sessions during 2024. These sessions will be held at regional and remote primary and high schools across Australia. This equates to an average of 18 students per session. Therefore, 126 students will gain access to STEM learning.

Quotes attributable to ZEN CEO Anthony Garnaut:

“ZEN recognises the immense potential of young minds to shape Australia’s transition to renewable energy. Their contributions will play a vital role in driving innovation, sustainability, and positive change in our nation’s journey towards a cleaner, greener future.

“Our Reconciliation Action Plan seeks to establish long-term partnerships based on trust, respect, and shared values. By investing in education, we aim to inspire future leaders that will lead the transition to renewable energy and beyond.”

Quotes attributable to DeadlyScience CEO Corey Tutt:

“DeadlyScience is thrilled to be partnering with ZEN Energy to further our mission of creating STEM equity for Indigenous learners. This partnership has paved the way for further expansion of our Deadly Learners sessions to positively impact Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners across the country.

“We know that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’, and that is why we continue to inspire Indigenous youth through our educational programs including Deadly Learners, to allow them to explore the possibilities of pursuing a career in STEM.”

About DeadlyScience

As a young person, Deadly Science’s CEO Corey Tutt developed a love of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects but found little encouragement for Aboriginal people to pursue careers in STEM.

A key reason was that regional and remote schools were often critically under-resourced, and their students did not receive the same learning experiences as students in urban areas.

To address this deficiency, Corey founded DeadlyScience in 2018, a not-for-profit organisation that provides STEM resources and education to regional and remote schools in Australia and connects young Indigenous people with STEM professionals.

Since then, DeadlyScience has grown to be Australia’s leading Indigenous STEM charity, working with over 800 schools and community organisations across all states and territories.

Media Contact: Paul Sheridan | 0410 516 656 | paul.sheridan@zenenergy.com.au

ZEN chosen for first round of ARENA Community Battery Grant

1 July 2024.

Community-based renewable energy solutions are key to building climate resilience, ZEN Energy CEO Anthony Garnaut said following confirmation today the company has received conditional approval of an Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Community Battery Grant.

ZEN’s community battery project is one of 370 that ARENA has chosen to fund in its first, $143 million-dollar, round of grants. ARENA received an unprecedented amount of applications received with a total grant request of $1.3 billion.

The Community Batteries for Household Solar program will improve access to distributed battery storage for households and community organisations across Australia.

Receiving a conditional ARENA Community Battery Grant will enable projects to prove the financial and emissions reduction benefits of integrating energy storage in and around the daily lives of people, Anthony said.

“ZEN’s community battery project will help to improve community energy-independence and contribute to the knowledge necessary to become more resilient to climate damage.

“We wish to see community batteries enable cheaper, cleaner energy storage for households and businesses, and provide valuable knowledge that can be shared across Australia to fast-track the implementation of these local batteries.”

Media enquiries: Paul Sheridan, 0410 516 656, paul.sheridan@zenenergy.com.au

In-depth community research reveals the challenges of change to renewable energy.

3 June 2024.

A majority of Australians, particularly younger people, place the collective benefits of action on climate change and lower electricity prices ahead of their individual concerns about the impacts of development, as Australia’s transition to renewable energy gathers pace.

This and other first results of This is Transition, a 12-month study of community opinions, values and motivations impacting the country’s shift from coal and gas-fired electricity to renewable power have today been published. The study, conducted by highly regarded research firm, Essential Research, has been commissioned by Australia’s first 1.5°C energy company, ZEN Energy.

This is Transition has also identified warning signs that public support is at risk if communication to communities about the ability of renewable technologies to replace fossil fuel generation isn’t consistent or reinforced over time.

Key findings include:

  • 57% of Australians believe the main benefits of the renewable energy transition will be meaningful action on climate change, lower energy costs and new career opportunities. Only 17% do not believe there will be any economic benefits.
  • 54% of Australians, and 61% of young Australians 18-34 years, believe meeting national commitments to cutting climate emissions and transitioning to renewable energy should be prioritised over local community concerns about project development. 52% of people aged 55 years and older believe local community concerns should be prioritised.
  • The number one concern about new energy project development is impacts on the natural environment, including wildlife (61%), while the main concern for 27% of people is visual impacts of development and transmission lines.
  • Australians believe there are two main reasons why the country’s energy transition is facing difficulties: that the technology isn’t advanced enough, and that governments haven’t provided enough leadership.
  • 53% of Australians want renewable energy developers to collaborate with and involve them in decision-making, but only 10% of people support decision-making power being handed over to communities.
  • In quantitative discussions, the majority of respondents said community consultation is often tokenistic and only a genuine partnership will result in a project being accepted by a local community.

ZEN Energy CEO Anthony Garnaut said the findings of This is Transition reinforces the challenges individual renewable projects are having and highlighted the need for consistent leadership from industry and government.

“This research demonstrates that people don’t view the transition in isolation or on a project-by-project basis. It reinforces ZEN’s focus on solutions that will secure a healthy, safe future for all.

“The findings show Australians have consultation fatigue and only genuine partnerships will earn a project a social licence. ZEN understands this is a transition that cannot afford to fail. We encourage all developers to engage early, involve people in decision-making and co-design of projects.”

Media contact: Paul Sheridan, paul.sheridan@zenenergy.com.au, 0410 516 656.