Solar River

Delivering 256 MW of combined dispatchable power to South Australia grid

≈ 400,000 Solar Panels
Supporting the solar panels and moving them to face the sun throughout the day will be 4,700 trackers.
$540 Million
The project will provide employment for approximately 400 people during construction, with a focus on employing locally where possible. A number of local ongoing operational roles will also be supported.
7 million tonnes
Indicative carbon dioxide avoided over the life of the Solar Farm (based on estimated 2022 NEM emissions intensity)

ZEN Energy is an energy company committed to limiting global warming to 1.5°C. Achieving this target will rely on an economy-wide transformation to renewable energy and this is not possible without more renewable energy projects that combine generation with battery storage like the Solar River project.

Located between Burra and Morgan in South Australia, the Solar River Project is a large-scale hybrid solar & battery project that will be capable of exporting approximately 256MW into the South Australian network and 210MW of solar energy. Solar River’s DC-coupled battery configuration allows for expansion of battery capacity with no impacts on the performance of facility. ZEN is currently varying the development approval to allow for up to 8 hours of battery storage, but plans to proceed in the near term with approximately 2.5 hours of storage capacity. The project will connect to the ElectraNet network via the new Bundey substation.

The project has been issued a Development Approval (inclusive of the main project site, 275kV transmission line easement and connection infrastructure) and is now working through a minor variation to reflect our planned connection to Bundey substation in parallel with completing the final stages of a grid connection application process.

Construction is due to start supplying reliable, clean electricity to South Australian electricity users in 2026.

We acknowledge the First Peoples of the River Murray & the Ngadjuri people as the Traditional Custodians of the land, waters and knowledge related to the Solar River site. In our work, we recognise the importance of Country – not just as a place, but how it also maintains community, family, kin, lore and language. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.


The project is currently in late-stage development, with:

  • Customers signed and ZEN Energy portfolio growing
  • Connection, Design, Delivery and Finance being finalised

Renewable energy from this project will be delivered to the national electricity market in 2026.

We will provide a more detailed project delivery timeline once it has been finalised.